Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Key for Success

The 2008 presidential elections have been quite interesting and unexpected. These elections brought new and brilliant candidates, contenders with fresh and new proposals for the American citizens. Hillary Clinton, John McCain and Rudolph Giuliani were great candidates but not enough to surpass Barack Obama. A person that in my opinion is one of most brilliant candidates we have ever had. This guy that came from a middle income family and still got accepted to Columbia University, a person that became the first African American in be the president of the Harvard law review. This man left his professional career to help the one who need the most and after that becomes a senator. That’s the candidate I want to be the president.
As a student that believes that capitalism and free market is the best way to have a powerful nation the thing that worries me the most and that I completely agree with Barack Obama is in the economic issues. The wages for the middle income population in the United States have remained flat while the cost of living has increased a lot. Healthcare cost for example has increased four times faster than wages. In the other hand the taxes for the wealthiest have decrease a lot while the middle class is struggling to make payments and to save money. For this reason I believe that Barack Obama’s platform is the best for our country, to start he is proposing $50 billion to jumpstart the economy, tax rebate and a tax cut for the working class which as a result will increase the consumption. For all that does not work how the American economy works, as we consume more the economy is going to grow more. He knows what he is doing; he wants to increase the consumption rate so the economy gets out of this crisis. In addition, he is planning to create a fund with the sole purpose of identify and invest in better manufacturing techniques in order to increase the marginal utility for our companies. In the other side Obama knows that oil prices is killing us and that we need to create alternatives energies, for that reason he is planning to invest 150$ billion over ten years in biofuels, hybrid technologies, low emission coal plants and wind energy that as for as a fact we have the greatest source of wind energy in the world. These are just a few topics of his economic policies. I believe this is what America needs; I believe this is the key to keep being the most powerful nation in the world.

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