Sunday, October 12, 2008

Who Are You Following???

Wow, I got to admit that those that those videos pretend to be great videos!!! I actually took the time to see them all and I try to analyze what they stand for. They are very well documented with a very extensive amount of research, and the way this Guy/Girl is promoting his point of view is really appealing to our emotions. He is really appealing to the same insecurities that the majority of the population have. I haven’t live here that many years, but I already notice that there are plenty of doubts inside the American populations if is the government is playing fair or if the economic policies are choose to help the one who the needs the most. Religion, Politics and Economic issues have been around for centuries and is not a new discovery that people have always been arguing whether or not they have been honest with the population. I have to say that the Federal Reserve and the 9/11 arguments are not far to be true; human greed has no limits and the love for money and power has reach unbelievable levels. As he say “war means more money in somebody else pockets". In the other hand I can see a guy that does not believe in anything, I see someone that is frustrated with his life for the simply reason that he has no one to put his confidence in and he has not accomplish too much. I know that the actual world is not the greatest paradise but what do you gain in worrying so much if you are not going to be able to change anything. And that is their biggest issue, THEY CANNOT CHANGE IT. Somebody once says "If you cannot fight against your enemy join them" I am not telling you to be greed and hurt other people; what I am telling you is to find a way to take advantage of what is happening and do it. The amount of wealth and power that this people have is unbelievable and it will be kind of hard for us to change what is happening. Instead of been wondering whether or not the Federal Reserve is helping the wealthiest society, try to see how those policies can help you. Start working and see how you can improve your life. There is a part in the video that impact me the most. There is one part when a guy start talking about how ignorant we are, about how many books do we read, and about how many hours of television do we see in a day. And that makes see that us as humans just follow what other say or what other believe, and there is nothing bad with it. But try to follow people that have been successful and have reached what they want. The bible says "And the truth will make you free", but not the truth of what is actually happening because we are already aware of that; but the truth of how everything works and how to apply it in your life to be free and happy.

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