Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Is it PG13 Enough????

Have you watch a PG 13 movie lately? Don’t you think is kind of strong for a 13 year old? I was thinking about that. Our new generation of teenagers has been exposed to a lot of material that in my personal opinion I don’t consider suitable for them. This new ratings are too lenient when it comes to categorize a movie or a game. Movies like terminator 4 that I’m pretty sure are going to show a lot of violence ore live free or die hard are now rated PG 13. Cartoons, that were supposed to be appropriate for kids are now showing sex and violence, but in such a soft way that is almost noticeable. Even though I’m 21 I was watching spider man the other day. In this show they were introducing a new spider man girl friend. Her body parts were very distinctive, I would say pornographic. She was using a thigh uniform in which her breast was almost coming out and her butt was really attractive for a teenager. Other examples are the new video games that show a great amount of violence and sex. Heads blows, nudity and stealing is the common base of this new games. These games are creating the idea that killing and pornography are acceptable, and that it’s nothing wrong in doing it. The game becomes in a reality. I believe that this is just an example of how cartoons and movies have change, transforming this kid’s ideas mind into a not so childlike thoughts.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Constructive Discussions

“Never discuss politics and religion” that’s something that I have been hearing since I was able to think and talk. I don’t really know why people are so afraid to give their own point of view. Well, not all of them. But the majority of the society prefers not to express their own ideas about these two topics that even though they don’t look crucial, they define the way we are and the way we live. They just prefer to have a point of view created by others. Spending their life without using their mind. I believe in constructive discussions because they educate your life, it is known that nobody has the absolute truth; hence we need to accept others people advice and point of view to grow. Politics define our standard of live. That president or major that is going to take charge will have the final word regarding our taxes, insurance policies and education’s budgets. In the other hand I believe religion define our values. Jesus, Buddha and Jehovah promote a way of live surrounding by values and good actions and that’s what people believe. Without religion, I believe our society will drown in a deep hole full of human rationalism that the history has proved is not the best choice. This year is a crucial year for America, is an election year. This year we are going to choose who is going to be in charge of our future. We are going to choose who is going to lead this great country to a better or worse XXII century. Therefore this subject needs to be discussed, not only in schools and cities, but throughout the whole nation. People need to know what is happening; people need to know the truth. People need to create their own ideas. But if we all remain in silence nobody is going discuss simply because they think that they are not going to get to a conclusion, what is going to happen?

Helping others…

After seen some pictures of Haiti and Cuba after the last two hurricanes I start thinking how well we live in America, we live like kings. I haven’t been either in one of those countries but after seeing pictures after the hurricane they appeal to my emotions in a way that sometime made me feel bad. I mean, we have everything we need and more, but we are never happy. We are unthankful sick consumers. We are always criticizing the car we have, we are never happy with our job; we always want more expensive stuff. “I should have the new BMW”, we always say. There is nothing bad in desiring more things like a better car or a better house, the bad thing is not enjoying what we have right now. We should take pleasure in what we have and work hard for better things. If we start analyzing how people live or better said survive in third world countries, we will be amazed. But since we live in our palace called USA we have never faced the reality in third world countries. If by any chance you decide to go to and visit low class neighborhood in any country bellows Mexico, countries like Haiti or Cuba where the poverty and starving rates are extremely high you will see how life is. Where water and light are thing that you have daily fight for it, where people have to steal to find daily necessities like milk or bread, simply because there is no place to work. And the main cause of this is the human greed. In those countries the wealth is managed by an extremely low percentage of the population, usually a few families that control everything. They don’t care about the rest, they just want to increase their savings accounts and be richer every day.
The last two weeks have been really hard for these people. Besides the daily problems that they have to affront, two hurricanes hit the islands. I was watching at CNN a couple of days ago and tears started coming out of my eyes when I saw was happening. There were dead people trapped by the flood. There were people fighting to get water. It was so bad that the UN has to take infantry in order to take control of the cities. And in the other side you have politicians in the congress of USA arguing if they should keep the embargo in Cuba. These people don’t know what is to be two days without food; they don’t know what is happening. How a person cans put international affairs in top of human necessity. They need help and they need it now. In days like this is when we know where are values are.

Monday, September 1, 2008

what does writing in a journal means for you?

Writing in a journal is a pretty deep concept, for some people writing is like hitting a punching bag with all your strength or screaming loud in an open place. When it comes to write you can empty your thoughts in a piece of paper and set your mind free of everything that put pressure on you. Although I don’t consider myself a writing person, writing in a journal gives me the opportunity to see things from a different prospective and stand out from the crowd, writing allow me to offer my own opinion in a world ruled by blind and common people that do not see further than their own noose. Expressing through a journal let me set a black point in a white environment hoping to influence someone’s mind and makes you think twice. and who knows! maybe change your point of view…