Thursday, September 18, 2008

Constructive Discussions

“Never discuss politics and religion” that’s something that I have been hearing since I was able to think and talk. I don’t really know why people are so afraid to give their own point of view. Well, not all of them. But the majority of the society prefers not to express their own ideas about these two topics that even though they don’t look crucial, they define the way we are and the way we live. They just prefer to have a point of view created by others. Spending their life without using their mind. I believe in constructive discussions because they educate your life, it is known that nobody has the absolute truth; hence we need to accept others people advice and point of view to grow. Politics define our standard of live. That president or major that is going to take charge will have the final word regarding our taxes, insurance policies and education’s budgets. In the other hand I believe religion define our values. Jesus, Buddha and Jehovah promote a way of live surrounding by values and good actions and that’s what people believe. Without religion, I believe our society will drown in a deep hole full of human rationalism that the history has proved is not the best choice. This year is a crucial year for America, is an election year. This year we are going to choose who is going to be in charge of our future. We are going to choose who is going to lead this great country to a better or worse XXII century. Therefore this subject needs to be discussed, not only in schools and cities, but throughout the whole nation. People need to know what is happening; people need to know the truth. People need to create their own ideas. But if we all remain in silence nobody is going discuss simply because they think that they are not going to get to a conclusion, what is going to happen?

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