Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Is it PG13 Enough????

Have you watch a PG 13 movie lately? Don’t you think is kind of strong for a 13 year old? I was thinking about that. Our new generation of teenagers has been exposed to a lot of material that in my personal opinion I don’t consider suitable for them. This new ratings are too lenient when it comes to categorize a movie or a game. Movies like terminator 4 that I’m pretty sure are going to show a lot of violence ore live free or die hard are now rated PG 13. Cartoons, that were supposed to be appropriate for kids are now showing sex and violence, but in such a soft way that is almost noticeable. Even though I’m 21 I was watching spider man the other day. In this show they were introducing a new spider man girl friend. Her body parts were very distinctive, I would say pornographic. She was using a thigh uniform in which her breast was almost coming out and her butt was really attractive for a teenager. Other examples are the new video games that show a great amount of violence and sex. Heads blows, nudity and stealing is the common base of this new games. These games are creating the idea that killing and pornography are acceptable, and that it’s nothing wrong in doing it. The game becomes in a reality. I believe that this is just an example of how cartoons and movies have change, transforming this kid’s ideas mind into a not so childlike thoughts.

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